Night Thirst - Noble Vampire



The Noble 

The Nobles are elegance incarnate. They’ve chosen to spend their immortal lives pursuing refinement, decadence, and pleasure. They’re incredibly alluring but just as ruthless when disrespected, these Vampires are incredibly powerful.

Note from the BSS Team: This sculpt is based on the likeness of vampire expert, professional content creator, and Witty’s sweet friend,  Emalynde!

This product includes
  • 1 Noble Vampire Miniature
  • This product is made from high quality resin

Please note that all product images are not final, some small changes may take place when product is manufactured. 

This product is part of the Night Thirst pre-order event. Orders containing this item will not ship until fulfillment starts. For more information on when this item will be shipping, check the main Night Thirst page and scroll down to the FAQ.

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